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What are Neuromodulators?

Neuromodulators are injections made of botulinum toxin, a neurotoxin protein that blocks communications between nerve roots and targeted muscles. Neuromodulators essentially relax or paralyze targeted muscles, and this property can be leveraged for numerous purposes. Neuromodulators, such as Dysport and Xeomin, are commonly used in aesthetic medicine to treat unwanted dynamic wrinkles, such as forehead lines and frown lines. But neuromodulators can also treat numerous medical conditions, such as chronic migraines, overactive bladder, neck pain and spasms, shoulder pain, and lazy eye.

How They Work

Neuromodulators are made of botulinum toxin type A, a neurotoxin protein that binds to the receptors in targeted muscle groups. After binding to the receptors in muscles, neuromodulators prevent the release of a substance known as acetylcholine, which is essential for communications between muscles and nerve endings. As such, neuromodulators essentially block nerve transmissions, preventing the targeted muscle from becoming active. Neuromodulators can be used in numerous medical conditions wherein overactive muscles need to be relaxed, such as hyperhidrosis, chronic migraines, lazy eye, shoulder pain, etc.

Neuromodulators Correct the Following:


Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that leads to excessive sweating unrelated to exercise or heat. Normal sweating occurs when your body is overheated. The nerves connected to your sweat glands induce sweating to reduce the body temperature and prevent overheating. Hyperhidrosis occurs when overactive nerves constantly trigger the sweat glands, leading to continuous sweating without exercise or heat. Neuromodulators block communications between the overactive nerves and the sweat glands, thus preventing excessive sweating.

Chronic Migraines

Chronic migraines are intense, pulsing, and throbbing sensations on the side of the head. The true root cause of migraines isn’t known, but migraine attacks have numerous triggers, such as loud sounds, bright lights, strong scents, certain foods, etc. When you have a migraine attack, your body releases neurotransmitters that send pain signals to the brain, leading to headaches. Neuromodulators block the pain signals from being transmitted to the brain, so you don’t suffer from migraine headaches.

Overactive Bladder

Neuromodulators are commonly used for the treatment of overactive bladders and urgency incontinence. An overactive bladder occurs when your nerves send signals to your bladder at the wrong time, making your muscles squeeze and induce spasms in the bladder, leading to involuntary leakage. Since neuromodulators can block communications between nerve endings and targeted muscles, they can also prevent the overactive nerves from communicating with your bladder, at least temporarily. Consequently, you don’t need to “go” as often.

Neck Pain/ Shoulder Pain/ Spasms

Neck and shoulder pain occurs when you experience involuntary and continuous muscle spasms in the neck, leading to persistent neck pain. Muscle spasms can occur because of numerous reasons, such as stress, anxiety, neck strain or sprain, spinal issues, and other factors. Neuromodulators can’t treat the root cause of involuntary spasms, but they can prevent neck pain, shoulder pain, and muscle spasms for a few months. Neuromodulators can temporarily paralyze the muscles responsible for your symptoms, thus alleviating chronic pain.

Lazy Eye

Lazy eye, also known as strabismus, is a medical condition where one eye is constantly misaligned and has trouble focusing on an object. One eye might look directly at the viewed object, and the other eye might be looking elsewhere. Strabismus may occur because of overactive muscles, nerves associated with the eyes, or the region of the brain responsible for eye movements. Neuromodulators can temporarily weaken the overactive muscles, allowing the misaligned eye to return to the optimal position.


  • Minimally invasive, injectable treatment — no incisions or scarring
  • Treats a wide range of cosmetic and medical conditions
  • Causes minimal pain and discomfort
  • Concludes within 15 minutes
  • No harsh side effects or complications
  • Resume your daily activities immediately
  • Results last for 3 to 4 months

The Neuromodulator Treatment Process


Your neuromodulator treatment starts with a thorough evaluation with Francienne. She carefully examines your treatment areas, discusses your symptoms and problems, asks about your goals, reviews your medical history, and administers meticulous tests. After a thorough evaluation, she identifies the root cause of your problems and curates a personalized neuromodulator treatment plan, which involves selecting the appropriate neuromodulators (Dysport or Xeomin) and the correct dose.


The medical provider cleanses the treatment areas and applies a numbing gel to ensure a comfortable experience, following which they mark the targeted injection points. The appropriate units of the chosen neuromodulators are carefully injected into the treatment areas using extremely small injections. The number of injections depends on your specific goals and concerns. The treatment concludes within 30 minutes.


Neuromodulator treatments may cause mild post-treatment redness, swelling, tenderness, and bruising around the treatment sites for a few days. You can resume most of your daily activities and work immediately, but you should avoid strenuous workouts for a day or two. The risk of complications is negligible, especially when done by skilled injectors.

Your Results

Neuromodulators produce gradual results over 2 weeks. You might start noticing improvements after a few days, but the results will finalize after 2 weeks. The final results last for 3 to 4 months, following which you need additional treatments to sustain the results.

Missoula Wellness Center

Meet Francienne

Francienne is a board-certified family nurse practitioner and aesthetic injector with years of specialized training in functional medicine and aesthetic treatments. She believes everyone is unique and curates highly personalized treatment plans that address her patients’ specific goals and concerns. Her considered approach to functional treatments ensures optimal results without complications or undesired results. Please schedule an appointment to explore your neuromodulator treatment options in Missoula, Montana.

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