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What is Xeomin?

Xeomin Missoula is an FDA-approved cosmetic injection for moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows, also known as the glabellar lines or angry 11s. In addition to correcting unwanted frown lines, we can also provide Xeomin injections to reduce forehead lines, crow’s feet, and other unwanted facial wrinkles. When injected into targeted facial tissues, Xeomin temporarily relaxes the facial muscles responsible for your wrinkles, thus reversing the signs of aging.

woman after xeomin missoula

Xeomin Corrects the Following:

  • Horizontal forehead lines
  • Frown lines between the eyebrows
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Bunny lines around the bridge of the nose
  • Perioral lines around the mouth
  • Cobblestone chin, i.e., creases on the chin
  • Other dynamic wrinkles on the face

How Xeomin Works

Xeomin belongs to a category of injections known as neuromodulators, i.e., injections made of botulinum toxin type A. When injected into targeted facial tissues, botulinum toxin blocks communications between nerve endings and the targeted muscles, effectively paralyzing the muscles responsible for your wrinkles. Over time, as the facial muscles relax, the associated dynamic wrinkles smoothen away, making your skin look smooth and wrinkle-free.

Xeomin vs. Dysport

Both Xeomin and Dysport are neuromodulators made of botulinum toxin type A. But Xeomin has one distinct difference — it doesn’t contain inactive protein additives used in most other neuromodulators, including Dysport. Years of continued Dysport use with the associated proteins can lead to desensitization, so Dysport treatments may stop working after a few years. But since Xeomin doesn’t contain added proteins, the possibility of desensitization is lower.

Benefits of Xeomin:

  • Injectable treatment for wrinkles
  • Addresses the root cause of dynamic wrinkles
  • Improves skin texture and appearance
  • Reverses the signs of aging
  • Prevents new wrinkles from appearing
  • Naked toxin without added proteins
  • Causes minimal pain and discomfort
  • Concludes within 15 minutes
  • No harsh side effects or complications
  • Resume your daily activities immediately
woman after xeomin missoula

The Xeomin Treatment Process


Your Xeomin in Missoula treatment starts with a personalized consultation with Francienne. She carefully examines your skin, discusses your goals, and reviews your health history. After a thorough evaluation, she curates a personalized Xeomin treatment plan for you, which involves marking the treatment areas on your face and selecting the appropriate units of Xeomin.


During your Xeomin treatment, the cosmetic provider will cleanse your facial skin and apply a numbing gel to ensure a comfortable experience. The cosmetic provider carefully injects Xeomin into the targeted facial tissues, using the appropriate units and dosage to ensure natural-looking results. The entire treatment concludes within 15 to 20 minutes.


Xeomin doesn’t involve harsh side effects or downtime. You may experience mild redness, swelling, tenderness, and bruising around the injection sites for a few days. But you can resume your daily activities and work immediately. However, you must avoid strenuous physical activities and direct sunlight for a day or two.

woman after xeomin missoula woman after xeomin missoula

Your Xeomin Results

Your Xeomin in Missoula results may start appearing within a few days, making your skin look smoother and more youthful. But it takes 2 weeks for the results to finalize. The final results last for 3 to 4 months, following which you need maintenance treatments. Most of our clients undergo 3 to 4 Xeomin treatments per year to maintain youthful and wrinkle-free skin all year long.

Missoula Wellness Center

Xeomin FAQs

Is Xeomin safe?

Xeomin is completely safe. It’s FDA-approved for the correction of moderate to severe frown lines and has been used for several years. The mild side effects are temporary and tolerable.

Why is Xeomin called “naked Botox?”

Xeomin is called the “naked Botox” because it’s a purified botulinum toxin without additional inactive proteins. As a result, your body doesn’t get desensitized to the treatment.

When will I see the Xeomin results?

Xeomin results start appearing within 3 to 4 days, with continued improvements for 2 weeks.

How long will the results last?

Xeomin results last for 3 to 4 months.

How many Xeomin treatments do I need?

You only need one Xeomin treatment to see results. But you may need to repeat the treatment every 3 to 4 months to maintain the results.

Will my face look frozen or stiff?

Your face won’t look frozen or stiff. We personalize the dosage to soften your wrinkles without freezing your facial expressions completely.

Missoula Wellness Center

Meet Francienne

FG Aesthetics & Medicine is led by Francienne, one of the leading aesthetic injectors and nurse practitioners in Montana. She values natural beauty above all else and helps her clients undergo advanced cosmetic treatments without worrying about an unnatural appearance. If you’re prepared to elevate your facial skin and reverse the signs of aging, please schedule a consultation with Francienne today.

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